Product Name: Kids hiking shoes shops all seasons around.
L.L.Bean shoes actual size 1. The best hiking shoes ever. We hiked many many mountains in Utah and neighborhood states, in summer as well as in winter. The shoes are water-resistant, but also very good breathable. They were in use over 3 years (still looking great), even if the child's foot is growing fast. The shoe sole is great made for hiking mountain, rocky, unstable rocks, that is the biggest difference to other hiking shoes. The hight is perfect to support the ankle and provides great stability. I bought size 1 for my girl when she was size 11,5 She had no issue wearing shoes that are 2 sizes bigger, because they provided great stability in ankle. Now shops she is size 3 and we are ready for a new pair of LLBean shoes. Once LLBean always LLBean. I would recommend to take them if your child is size 11 and 12, to have more time of use.