Product Name: BGS 9.5 shops Gem Mint Cynthia & Caitlin Tag Team Full Art Cosmic Eclipse
This listing is for: (1) BGS 9.5 Gem Mint Cynthia & Caitlin Full Art Trainer 228/236. No Subgrades. Please see photos before shops purchase as there are some light scratches on bacj side of case, recievedfrom Beckett this way. Please message with questions or to bundle items. Offers welcome Tags ignore Pokemon, rare, psa, bgs, cgc, charizard, pikachu, mew. Mewtwo, starter, boosterpack, collectable, cards, eevee, Squirtle, bulbasaur, espeon, lugia, ash, brock, misty, rare, v, vmax, ex, gx, shiny, shining, first, fossil, jungle, tcg, darkness ablaze, vivid voltage, xy, evolutions, sword and shield, legends, charmander, charmeleon champions path ultra prism prizm elite rainbow secret Nintendo promo Holy grail, shining fates, shiny vault, cards, venusaur, ultra rare, ash, brock, trainer, starter, legendary, promo holo foil Holographic league battle shining fates black star promo hidden cosmos galaxy.