Product Name: TTArtisan 7.5mm F2.0 Lens For with ND1000 For OLYMPUS Panasonic Cameras Fisheye shops
F2 Large Aperture Shoot Sarry sky: Usually a fisheye lens is always matched with bright F/2.8 maximum aperture, but we do our best to finally develop the first fisheye lens with large aperture F2, which supports working in difficult lighting conditions with greater light intake, especially shooting the starry sky. Customiaed Rear ND1000 Filter: This ND1000 filter provides a 10-stop exposure reduction across the entire image, allowing the use of a wider aperture or slower shutter speed than normally required. Circular Fisheye Creation: While this lens designed for APS-C sensors, full frame users can also use it to take circular fisheye images. Landscape Photography: Ultra-wide lens help you capture more beauty. TTArtisan 7.5mm f/2 shops fisheye lens design renders a 180°angle of view to produce a distinct visual appeal characterized by dramatic distortion and a creative depiction of sapce, which helps you take wide and innovative landscape photos. Time-lapse Photography: A piece of ND1000 fil.