Product Name: Xbox 360 Console, Games, and HDTV shops Bundle
Xbox 360 Slim complete with hard drive, 2 Controllers ( 1 without a back part, but works fine), and all necessary cables. Can be flexible with the price. 24 Xbox 360 & Xbox One Games included: Overwatch Halo 5 Doom Destiny Gears of War Ultimate Edition Call of Duty Ghosts (Xbox One and Xbox 360) Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Call of Duty Advanced Warfare Gears of War 2 Gears of War 3 Gears of War 4 Mortal Kombat XL Far Cry Primal Far Cry 4 Split Second Dead Island Bioshock Infinite Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary Halo Reach Evolve shops NBA 2K14 Darksiders Darksiders 2 HDTV is VIZIO 22" and has one HDMI slot.