Product Name: Antique shops Book: POST MORTEMS By Dr. C. MAcLAURIN • Creepy Freaky Weird Occult Odd
Dust cover in ok condition, book in great vintage cond! Historical & medical essays Volume incl 2 books POST MORTEMS & MERE MORTALS Intro by DR. JOSEPH COLLINS Would Anne Boleyn have been lecherous had she not been a tippler What would have happened at Austerlitz if Napoleon had not had cancer of the stomach What of French Revolution had not Marat been poisonous bodily If he had been healthy would Charlotte Corday murdered him in his bath Would Luther have been a zealot had he not had gout? What was the secret affliction of Henry Vill What is the truth behind the Children's Crusade Dr MacLaurin & Anatole France belive History as an Art should be written with imagination & in this spicy volume distinguished physician & psychologist makes brilliant diagnoses of giants of the past. randomtags vintage wicked mortem edition shops death science historian fiction facts died nurse skeleton psycho psychotic ghosts skulls witchy spells first second halloween scary stories dark black crazy hospital.