Product Name: Mega pokemon shops shiny lot!
Various shiny Pokémon from multiple sets. Some from Shining fates, hidden fates, shining legends, etc. Cards listed below. Compared prices to TCGPlayer, and then took a portion off cause trying to move them. I can post more pictures if needed, but I only get a max of 12 photos. Also the frame thing is not included! All cards are in great condition. Shiny Zygarde GX Shiny Ditto V Crobat V Shiny Centiskorch VMax Shiny Toxtricity VMax Dubwool V Shiny Crobat VMax Stakataka GX Noivern GX Shiny Guzzlord GX Shiny Alolan Ninetales GX Shiny Shining Mew Shining Celebi Naganadel GX Shiny Banette GX Shiny Shining Rayquaza Shiny Magneton Shiny Eldegoss Shiny Arctozolt Empoleon Alt Art Nickit shops Stonjourner Dottler x2 Minccino Greedent Gible Seviper Snom Magnemite Cinccino Sandaconda Galarian Ponyta Oranguru Rowlet.