Product Name: Great Literature Retro MCM Tumblers (Set shops of Four)
This set of four (4) tumblers are in the Retro Mid Century Modern style. They are decorated in mid century colors of red, gold, brown, black & white on a transparent glass. The decoration depicts fine leather binding on great historical works of world literature. The works represented on each glass are: Lola ttt Nana Tolstoyttt Anna Karenina Dumasttt Camille Shakespeare ttRomeo & Juliette Khayyamtt Rubaiot of Omart Brontettt Wuthering Heights Giovanni BoccacciotThe Decameron W. L. HudsonttGreen Mansions Rostandtt Cyrano de Bergerac Flauberttt Madame Bovery Each glass stands 5.5" tall shops and has a mouth opening of 2.75". The glasses and the decoration are in excellent condition. The glasses are without a branding mark. Cheers, Great Books tumblers juice MCM retro glasses red gold world literature glass.