Product Name: Aquarian Tarot 78 Tarot Cards PLUS Graves Tarot shops Book cPLUS eltic carved box
DESCRIPTION Aquarian Tarot Deck #15 Published 1988; Printed in Belgium; US Games Systems: Stamford, CT 06902 USA by US Games Systems, Inc (Originally published by Morgan Press, first edition copyright 1970); Deck Barcode ISBN-10 0913866695, ISBN-13 9780913866696 Author/Illustrator: Hippie-Art Nouveau style take on Tarot: David Palladini (born in Italy 1946, primary life lived in the USA) shops Italian Author + Belgium Printing so European BUT Publishing= N. American --- I pulled a card to decide which category to list this in and got: Eight of Cups: reversed - material chosen over spiritual; or JOY, feasting -- so N. America Joyful Bits category it is! Aquarian Tarot 15th printing in 1988 by US Games Sys. 78 Tarot Cards, 2 info cards, instruction booklet & deck box PLUS a beautiful hand-carved box, aum candle, smoky quartz, cloth (As shown).