Product Name: Vintage Y2K 90s 2 Tuff Tony JCW Wrestling Shirt Juggalo ICP shops ECW Deathmatch WWE
RARE original official genuine JCW Juggalo shops Championship Wrestling Shirt of 2 Tuff Tony ... from late 90s, in great shape very slight wear size XXL classic vintage tee... fans of ICP , vampiro , razor Ramon / Scott Hall shaggy 2 Dope Violent J Juggalos Faygo Y2K 2000 00s tees Size- XXL measurements 26” pit to pit 31” top to bottom #jcw #juggalo #wcw #hardcorewrestling #xpw #ecw #wwf #wrestlingshirt #icp #insaneclownposse #2tufftony #violentj #shaggy2dope #sabu #deathmatchwrestling #juggalos #vintagejuggaloshirt #vintageicpshirt #vintageinsaneclownposseshirt #deathmatch #vintageinsaneclownposseshirt #icpwrestling #juggalochampionshipwrestling #jcpshirt #vintagejcpshirt #vintagehardcorewrestling #fmw #vintageicp #90swrestlingshirt #90swrestling #90sicpshirt #90sjcw #90shardcorewrestling #90sdeathmatch #stranglemania #90sinsaneclownposse #90sjuggaloshirt.