Product Name: Google Wifi Mesh Extender shops
New! Never Used! Poor Cell Service???Google Wifi Mesh Extender! I originally purchased thinking I would need to add in addition to the one I works so well I don't need additional! I have been completely amazed on how well this works. I had a Belkin Extender that cost me a bit more and rarely saw a difference. This plugging directly into my modem gives me full Wifi signal strength all of the time! Love it! Google Wifi is the easy Wi-Fi upgrade that is a great value. It blankets your whole home with up to 1,500 square feet of fast, reliable Wi-Fi and helps your network stay safe.* Features Stream with speed. AC1200 per point. Intelligently works behind the scenes to make sure your Wi-Fi remains fast.* Walk from room to room on a video call with an uninterrupted signal.* Simple setup in a few steps. Connect the Ethernet cable to your Google Wifi point's WAN port and connect the other end to your modem. Plug your primary shops Wifi point into an electrical outlet.