Product Name: Star Wars Complete shops the Saga Watches
Set of 6- 2005 Burger KingThe Saga Star Wars watches. These are rare , tin cans are sealed and never have been opened. If you are a Star Wars fanatic and collector then these are for you. 1.A new Hope Luke Skywalker one side of tin , other side Stormtrooper 1. Return of The Jedi Princess Leia one shops side other side Jabba The Hutton 1.Revenge of The Sith Anakin Skywalker, Dark Valder on other side 1. The Empire Strikes Back Han Solo one side other side Boba Fett 1. Attack of The Clones Yoda on one side other side Count Dooku other side. 1. The Phantom Menace OBI-Wan Kenobi one side other side Darth Maul.