Product Name: A Painting & Art Collection shops Past Event
I textured Acrylic Painting of flowers painted when I was in the midst of a 60 hour Psilocybin journey. The flowers came to life and they are beautiful because of their flaws. At least 4-8 layers of paint over 20 hours on 8/13/19 while at the peak pf my trip. I had found out my mother & wifes mother were diagnosed with terminal cancer same day.. It comes with a Led Zeppelin Houses of the Holy LP Record that I played on repeat for 11 hours while painting, a Turtle Paper Weight/Pin Cushion named Gilly, A Randonautica Owl Charm hand made Bead Necklace also created by me during the trip & used on a 2am Rando Trip which took me to a patch of woods that I lost my virginity in when I was 14. Me & my GF didn't notice the fire aunt pile we were screwing in. Also you get a new size 8 Mood ring like I always where on my epic journey. These items bonded & belong together & I need to get more art supplies & will shops donate 10% of the $ to find a cure for cancer. Everything for $106.11. Peace, Pluto.