Product Name: LOL Surprise shops OMG Remix
Retails more than $100 on Walmart - UNBOX 2 ROCK BANDS with L.O.L. Surprise! O.M.G. Remix Super Surprise – The Opening Act and The shops Super Sonix. - 70+ SURPRISES: Unbox 70+ surprises in a totally new unboxing experience! Follow the numbers to unbox the boom box packaging in the ultimate unboxing experience! - 4 FASHION DOLLS: Includes 4 L.O.L. Surprise! O.M.G. fashion dolls with stunning features, gorgeous, styled hair and outrageous, rock star style. They're the big sisters to fan favorite L.O.L. Surprise! characters. - 4 DOLLS: Includes 4 L.O.L. Surprise! - 4 ROCK INSTRUMENTS THAT PLAY MUSIC lol omg dolls gift set super surprise girls kids Christmas present collectors collection lot.