Product Name: Pokémon ERROR*MISPRINT*MISALLIGNED TEXTURE shops Mew V Japanese
Finding a flawless Misprint like this made in Japan is literally extremely rare, because Japans Quality Control is much more on point then American Pokémon Quality Control, which probably makes this error a one of a kind misprint. You can own this error today! I'm open to offers, but just keep in mind I would rather just keep it then go to low on it, because I really enjoy this card :) thanks for checking out my post, bundle with other listings for discounts! TAGS: Pokémon charizard blastoise venasaur Bulbasaur Charmander squirtle Charmeleon ivysaur warturtle starter Pokémon Pokémo mmGiannis graded Psa Beckett Pokémon Luke leia YuGiOh drone drones shops sphero Mario Charizard blue version red yellow pikachu johto 25th anniversary fossil team rocket light dark misty ash Brock Blaine Giovanni eevee Nintendo switch mew blue eyes white dragon dark magician girl, Sylveon, Flareon, Jolteon, Sylveon, vaporeon, umbreon, misprint, miscut, error.