Product Name: Singer sewing machine shops beautiful vintage
I think it's called a red eye and serial number is posted in the picture. I guess it could look it up that way. Hold on.. This is what I found check this out Found out a little bit and I must say this is an old one. 1924. Was on ebay and saw none that looked as good as mine. American Anker Beckwith Bradbury Bremer and Bruckmann Boye Cookson Coventry Davis Domestic Dorman Elna Bradbury Bremer and Bruckmann Boye Cookson Coventry Davis Domestic Dorman Elna Eldredge Essex European Franklin Finkle & Lyon Florence Free Frister & Rossmann Greist Grover & Baker Hengstenburg Hillman and Herbert Hopkinson Household Howe Hunt & Webster Hurtu Husqvarna - Viking Ideal Illinois Jones Judkins Kimball & Morton Kyte Lancashire London Specialties Mason Moldacot Muller Nasch National New Home Noble Nussey & Pilling Pitt Pfaff Riccar Rockford Royal Sandt Sears Seidel & shops Naumann Sellers & Allen Shaw &.