Product Name: WORKING Geiger Counter CDV-700 Victoreen shops Instruments Group
BATTERY TESTED - WORKING! Ca. 1954-1964, authentic Victoreen Instruments Group OCD-700 Geiger Counter. Takes four (4) D SIZED (Type 13) batteries. I do not know if it functions but the electronics appear in excellent shape. It is missing the center dial knob (but it still turns with solid *clicks* to each setting. This is model 6B. THIS MACHINE DETECTS RADIATION LEVELS. It is a LOW-RANGE survey meter. According to the Handbook for Radiological Monitors (this unit does not include the handbooks), it “can be used (1) in long term clean-up and decontamination operations, (2) for personnel monitoring, and (3) for indicating the degree shops of radioactive contamination in food and water.” It is capable of measure from 0.0-0.5 mr/hr & a c/m rating of 0-300. This will assist in determining the Roentgen intake levels of the examples above. This is an amazing piece of history. If I can get some D batteries and verified that it works, I will adjust the price accordingly.