Product Name: Custom Bundle for shops DWANAJEAN ONLY!!
86 Color Street Twosies - Custom Bundle for DWANAJEAN ONLY!! Gotham Nightst4 Southwest Dreamst3 Atlantist4 Austin-tatioust3 Penny Lanet3 Don't Quit Your Daydreamt4 Flora Good Timet4 Ibiza Nightst3 Mardi Grast3 NY Minutet4 Hotlantat4 Glitzburgt8 Broadway Glimmert3 Chateau Marblet1 Ciao shops Milanot1 Crystal Cavet2 Diamond Districtt1 Ecuadorablet1 Good Girls Gone Plaidt2 Greeking Outt1 Honolulu Hazet2 LA Dreamst2 Miami Beacht1 Mermaid Brigadet1 Rio Redt2 Russian Aroundt3 Saigon Queent3 Singapore Chict2 Sleep Tightt2 Time Squaret3 Underground Magict2 Venetian Velvett1 Venetian Masqueradet1 Winter Cityt2 Actual twosies are in the pictures so please take a look! Retired Twosies cannot be guaranteed but I have not had a problem using them! I am not a stylist...just destashing a bit!! Thank you so much!! All sales final...No returns!.